Saturday, May 9, 2015

Pawnee Print

Wow, it has been a long time since my last post.
 I have realized two things in my long absence from blogging:

1. I think I have ADD or something, because I just can never sit down and post, even though I get excited to do so.

2. I buy far too little to post only about cards and stuff, so I think I will have to change it up a bit going forward. 

Anyways, my first post in sometime has to go to one of my favorite new additions to my household:

This is a Pawnee National Park print by Mark Englert. It is based off of the show 'Parks and Rec' that recently wrapped up in February. It is one of those shows that takes a bit to get off the ground, but does a great job of storytelling. Mark Englert has gotten some recent fame due to the fact that he was picked to create the first Jurassic World movie posters. His work is exceptional, and I would recommend him to anyone looking for a good looking print. Check him out at This print is also 175/225


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I have another print that I will be posting very soon. Does not pop, but it has a wow factor to it.
